BSC Affiliation
Basingstoke Sports Council work 'With and for Local Sport' on a fully voluntary basis and has various initiatives underway each year including promotion of the local Destination Basingstoke 'Place to be Proud of Awards, talented & gifted support and promotion, volunteering promotion, twinning and school links etc which need considerable co-ordination. Throughout the year we also work continually with Leagues and clubs, interact with the Basingstoke & Deane Borough Council, Energise Me, Basingstoke Voluntary Action, Love Basingstoke and other sporting agencies plus provide information via our website, Facebook and Instagram pages alongside emails and meetings which are promoted to sporting colleagues.
The annual prestigious Destination Basingstoke 'Place To Be Proud of Awards' is an annual event where we promote and encourage the local sporting community to submit nominations raising the profile of the vibrant sporting community. In addition, organisation of a variety of other valuable initiatives including the Sport Twinning link with our Twin Towns plus close interaction with other partners including Basingstoke Voluntary Action on our members behalf surely warrants the affiliation support of clubs within Basingstoke & Deane.
Affiliation by major Clubs and Leagues continues to demonstrate local sporting unity to the County and Borough Council plus Hampshire Energise Me. This assists us in negotiations on behalf of the Basingstoke & Deane Sporting community and with further proposed cutbacks in support from the County and Borough Council plus a general tightening of belts by sponsoring companies etc, the Voluntary Basingstoke Sports Council looks upon full support and unity by the Local Sports Community if we are to continue.
Please also note that the Basingstoke Sports Council website also now has regular news updates which your league, club and members should find of interest - and if possible please add a link to the BSC news area from your own league or club website. Feel free to raise any issues via email, BSC website feedback facility or request attendance at a BSC committee meeting.
There is no longer any cost for affiliation but we do request that you like and follow our Facebook page and Instagram plus checkout our website plus ensure that your organisation is included in our sports listing with correct details. We have group meetings as and when required and club representatives are welcome to request attendance. However, if any business wishes to sponsor some of our activities that would always be appreciated.