Next event hopefully June 23 in Germany
Unfortunately due to the COVID Pandemic, there was no alternative but to cancel the 2020, 2021 & 2022 Festivals of Sport mainly for the health and safety of all concerned. Very regrettable and the first cancellations in 27 years but Euskirchen have confirmed that the rescheduled event will be in Germany as soon as safely possible.
However, it now looks like we may be able to return to our partner groups in June 2023 and hopefully host in 2024 !
Teams hopefully participating will be - Basingstoke & Mid Hants Athletics Club / Summit & AWE Judo Clubs / Sherborne St John Boys FC / Totally Tennis plus The Vyne & Bishop Challoner School Sport teams with a couple of other sports still to be confirmed. (BDBC recently withdrawn event funding subsidy which is very disappointing)
As well as official Festival events, all groups will have a very busy social weekend including trips, Phantasialand Themepark, BBQ's plus Discos with everyone attending the final night event where the overall trophy will be presented to the Mayor of the winning town.
Our Horseman continental coaches will hopefully leave Basingstoke at 8pm on Wednesday evening June 14th for a 11.45pm ferry crossing from Dover to Calais and then travel through the night via France and Belgium to arrive in Euskirchen, Germany at about 08.30am for a light breakfast. Participants then have the day in the Phantasialand themepark before meeting host families for a few days of sport, culture, sightseeing, education, fun and friendships.
Friday evening will see local clubs arranging activities for their visitors whilst Saturday evening is the last night event where all groups attend for results, trophy presentation and some musical celebrations. Coaches leave for home on Sunday morning June 18th stopping somewhere in Belgium for a leg stretch and snack and planning to arrive back in Basingstoke that evening about 9.30pm.
Cost per person including Coach & Ferry Travel, Host family accomodation and meals plus day in the Phantasialand themepark is expected to be £150pp plus Passport, personal Insurance and EHIC medical card.
Details will be circulated to clubs over the ccming weeks but specific queries can be addressed to Sports Council Chairman - Kevin Laing at